The air swallowed is also to pass out from the rectum.


送交者: cornbug 于 2015-10-28, 12:35:17:

回答: 一个是胃里产生的, 一个是肠道产生的, 后者多为细菌的贡献 由 silxirt 于 2015-10-28, 11:34:00:

"A common source of upper-intestinal gas is swallowed air. Each time we swallow, small amounts of air enter the stomach. This gas in the stomach is usually passed into the small intestine where part of it is absorbed. The rest travels into the colon (large intestine) to be passed out through the rectum.
In some people, part of the gas is belched out instead of being passed from the stomach into the intestine. "



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