权衡假说 trade-off theory


送交者: cornbug 于 2015-08-28, 22:39:14:

- See more at: http://tech.creaders.net/2015/08/28/1575548.html#sthash.dNel40lD.dpuf

Masculine face can indicate poorer sperm quality

“As increased levels of testosterone have been demonstrated to impair sperm production, this finding may indicate a trade-off between investments in secondary sexual signalling (i.e. facial masculinity) and fertility or status-dependent differences in investments in semen quality,“ the researchers say.

Preceding studies demonstrate that facial attractiveness strongly influences women’s mating preferences. Defenders of the so called phenotype-linked fertility hypothesis argue that sexually appealing face can be a signal of better semen quality. However, appearances can be deceptive. Development of the secondary sexual cues, such as voice tembre or facial masculinity, is strongly dependent on testosterone levels.

“High levels of circulating testosterone can impair sperm production and thus potentially also lead to reduced sperm quality. According to the sperm competition theory, males may face a trade-off between acquiring mates and gaining fertilizations,“ the biologists explain. If this theory is correct, men having more masculine face should produce semen of lower quality.




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