请大家11月一定要行使自己的选举权, 把那些被NRA收买的政客们选下去。


送交者: jxh 于 2018-02-23, 17:29:51:

回答: 实际行动参与推动控枪 由 jxh 于 2018-02-23, 17:26:47:

今年是选举年, 请大家11月一定要行使自己的选举权, 把那些被NRA收买的政客们选下去。

1.    查看你可以选的候选人请到此网站: www.vote411.org
a    输入你的地址后点击下一页“Get personalized information on candidates and issues”
b.    Use drop down menu next to “Choose My Party”, select Democratic or Republic
c.    Click “Go to My Races”, you will see a list of positions open.
US Senator/make a selection/you will see names of the candidates. You can click any two candidates to see comparisons of their policies.
2.    Go to your local news paper or trusted source to find the candidate names endorsed by the paper. For example, in Texas, Houston Chronicle endorsed the following candidates. https://www.houstonchronicle.com/opinion/recommendations/article/Democratic-endorsement-2018-Houston-Chronicle-12624002.php
3.    查看你的候选人对枪支管理的态度请到此网:站votesmart.org.
To search first input the name in the search field and select the most relevant hit from the results. The main page for the candidate will show. Select "Ratings" and pick Guns from the drop down issues list. As you can see the NRA has 100% for Cruz and mere 7% for Pelosi. Same is true for Gun Owners of America, another gun lobby group even more to the right that NRA.
276名接受NRA捐钱的政客名单, state by state: https://everytown.org/documents/2018/02/throw-them-out-nyt.pdf



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