iran former president asked the same


送交者: kma 于 2017-09-22, 13:58:28:

回答: 中国一直说国家不分大小一律平等,那凭什么朝鲜不能有核武器? 由 疫苗 于 2017-09-22, 13:33:35:

if nuke is a bad things, why your guys (the big 5) have it, and a lot; if it's a good thing, why only you can have it, why not us too?

more than 120 nations just signed no nuke treaty at UN ( japan interestingly not in), the big 5 just pretend there's no such thing or pressure.

how ironic, usa, Russia, china almost agree on nothing, but on this topic, they can't be more like siblings



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