Kim3 wants a peace treaty


送交者: kma 于 2017-09-22, 09:45:31:

回答: 表面上好像是小金绝顶聪明把各大国玩得团团转拿他毫无办法 由 疫苗 于 2017-09-22, 07:14:51:

Sk always dreams about nk collapse and unification like Germany. That's why sk and America never interested in peace treaty. And nk hates china for not helping on that issue (why china not promoting this is a puzzle).

So nk has to help themselves, shouting out loud, you all can forget about my demise, even if that happened, you all will suffer like me, especially sk. If you want no war and peace, better behave, stop dreaming about toppling my regime.



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