Cauchy remained a prisoner of his calculation techniques


送交者: sl 于 2017-07-21, 22:26:05:

回答: 我所知道的华罗庚与陈省身 一一 徐利治先生访谈录 由 短江学者 于 2017-07-21, 10:51:23:


In the following year Galois' first paper, on continued fractions,[2] was published. It was at around the same time that he began making fundamental discoveries in the theory of polynomial equations. He submitted two papers on this topic to the Academy of Sciences. Augustin-Louis Cauchy refereed these papers, but refused to accept them for publication for reasons that still remain unclear.

Augustin-Louis Cauchy: A Biography, by Bruno Belhoste的
Nevertheless, Cauchy's approach to the theory of permutations was quite different from Galois' approach. Cauchy, who was not at all interested in the problem of the solvability of equations by radicals, developed a formal calculus in which structural properties were scarcely clarified. Unlike Galios, Cauchy remained a prisoner of his calculation techniques. If, indeed, Galois' papers had prompted Cauchy to reexamine the theory of permutations, an area that he had not bothered with for 33 years, then it would certainly seem that Cauchy did not have a precise knowledge of their contents.



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