川粉对川普的大量ethics waiver怎么看?Drain the Swamp?


送交者: ASH 于 2017-06-01, 10:43:31:

我猜,1)I trust him, I don't care. 2) What is ethics waiver?

“The ethics waivers the White House finally released reveal what we already suspected: that this administration is chock full of senior officials working on issues on which they lobbied, meeting with companies in which they have a financial interest, or working closely with former employers," said Noah Bookbinder of Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington.

He said the waivers "vastly exceed the number issued in the early months of the Obama administration and — more importantly — authorize conflicts not permitted in the Obama administration, signify both the corporate takeover of the government and the Trump administration’s utter disregard for ethical standards."



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