

送交者: 短江学者 于 2017-04-26, 13:39:53:

回答: 赫鲁晓夫墓碑 由 短江学者 于 2017-04-26, 12:09:34:

SFB: I got to meet Chairman Mao, and my dad used to tell this story of when we were walking through the receiving line, and you didn’t know when you were going to meet the chairman, it was one of those things that all of the sudden they would come up to you and say, “We need to get in the cars right now,” and they really didn’t tell you where you were going. You just got in the cars really quickly, but Dr. Kissinger was with us, and Dr. Kissinger would say, OK, we’re obviously going to the palace, and we’re going to meet the chairman at the time, so my father shook his hand. My mother shook his hand, and I shook his hand. He was a very elderly man at the time, and his health was not good, but he was known to like women. This picture that I have with him, his eyes light up like the man who has arisen from the dead and this smile on his face that he’s so glad to see this tall blonde woman in China. When you say you get to meet those amazing people, those are those amazing people you get to meet.



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