Correct. I mentioned several times, it has to be mandatory


送交者: silxirt 于 2017-01-16, 13:14:47:

回答: Your proposals would not work without forcing others to pay 由 qm 于 2017-01-16, 12:29:40:

and that is where Obama failed

You seem to believe I am trying to avoiding saying people are forced to buy insurance, that is actually my point and I mentioned multiple times: for insurance to work (practically, cheap enough), large pool is needed, especially those who DOES NOT NEED IT. For health care in the US, the government already spent way more money on it, but yet, the result is not even comparable to some third world countries who spent way less. In order to cut the cost (so government does not have to spend more) insurance company has to take the money from insurers who do not quite needed so often that is why it has to be mandatory. You can not buy car insurance when your car is just damaged, for the same reason you cannot just buy insurance when you need it, but wait, because you are a human and the law grantees ER has to take you, you don't even need to have money or insurance. That is why the government is paying so much. Per your idea, you do not want to be forced to pay for others who failed to take care of themselves, but you ARE, and you have to, what are you complaining about?

For your second question, you know I am suffering (not really ) from the clown "president" you whatever put him there because of what you believe in. WHAT MAKES YOU THINK I SHOULD SUFFER? I just have to, that is the system. Did it answer your question?



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