Unless as clear as 1+1=2


送交者: kma 于 2017-01-12, 13:11:36:

回答: 没准FBI director 要将功赎罪把川总拉下马 由 LB 于 2017-01-12, 08:30:02:

Better let trump finish his 4 years.

The evidence to impeach him must be what stronger than watergate.

The establishment and elites still don't get it, still out of touch with the public. I really hope they do serious soul searching and deflection, ask themselves sincerely:

What went so wrong?

Regretfully, I didn't see any sign of that.

This nation is polarized enough, not just for herself, but also for the whole world, more compromise, dialogue, not confrontation, are sorely needed



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