Accent indicates education and hierarchy, though old-school


送交者: silxirt 于 2016-11-29, 16:05:06:

回答: Jeez, what 's the purpose of language ? 由 kma 于 2016-11-29, 13:52:47:

what matters more nowadays is money and power. But it remains a problem as long as the accent makes it difficult to understand, main reason why we talk about accent and accuracy here.

Look, there is "small chick" over there, claimed by a mother with 2 young kids.

Well, she is not pointing to that pretty girl standing by the pole, she is telling her husband that he can check his car in that place: smoke check.

Sometimes I have to make it clear to native speakers (to protect my friend) that what my Chinese fellow said and being accepted may not be what he actually means to say.

I was never in this situation but it is true: black people complain about Chinese spitting out racial slur while he was only saying: 内个..婀



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