Face it, Trump is elected, let's give him a chance. But he lies a lot


送交者: silxirt 于 2016-11-13, 00:40:52:

Don't try to deny it. Everything is recorded and traceable, so it is futile to deny.

No, he is not just a liar. He lied too much and too often.

Sure he is not a politician. What is so bad about a politician? Not trustworthy? Won't do what s/he says?

Isn't it Trump? A lot Trump lovers never did expect him to do what he promised. The lovely saying is: he does not mean what he said or he just said it, won't do it...

One thing outstanding is, most politicians distort fact or twist fact, Trump FABRICATE "fact".

I believe Trump is moving on now that he has the power. You followers do not need to defend his lies anymore.



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