

送交者: Winnie 于 2016-10-16, 22:57:06:

回答: 坛子里的Trump支持者好像也特别反中 由 Winnie 于 2016-10-16, 16:22:57:

Clinton: “If You're On The Left, The Best Way To Get Rid Of You Is By Having Somebody Even Further Left Run Against You In A Primary, And The Same If You're On The Right, Having Somebody Even Further Right.” CLINTON: I mean, one of our great problems right now is nobody wants to be around people they disagree with. They just kind of write them off. Everybody watches TV that reinforces your already existing prejudices, and, you know, that's how we're kind of dividing ourselves up, and so we've created a House of Representatives where, if you're on the left, the best way to get rid of you is by having somebody even further left run against you in a primary, and the same if you're on the right, having somebody even further right. So there's no incentive in so many of our districts for people to compromise because they're afraid that if they disappoint or anger their supporters that they'll put in somebody to run against them in a primary. But that's our fault. I mean, we let that happen because, you know, we don't really stand up and say, wait a minute, that's not in the interests of the whole. [clinton speech for national multi-housing council, 4/24/13]



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