著名保守派学者Tom Nichols同意方舟子: this election is no longer about policy


送交者: 小道消息 于 2016-10-16, 16:12:34:


美国保守派著名学者Tom Nichols是the U.S. Naval War College的教授,讲的和方舟子完全一致. He tweeted the following (本人整理成一整段)

Here's why Trumpers (and folks like Hugh Hewitt) should stop asking #NeverTrump guys like me about policy or SCOTUS. Because this election is no longer about policy. I don't care what Hillary's views are on abortion or taxes. (I do, but not right now). I especially don't care about Trump's view on anything, because he doesn't have any. He has no policies. No plans. Just Trump. Instead, the election is now between two groups: those supporting a direct attack on our system of government, and everyone else. This is no longer conservatives vs liberals, or Dems vs GOP. This an ignorant mob trying to destroy the Constitution vs the rest of us. At this point, Trump's platform is a farrago of Russian-inspired demands to destroy our system, in order to save his delicate ego. Trump's advisors, a clutch of opportunists and kooks, are pushing mad conspiracies. They are thus at odds with all other Americans. In effect, Trump has removed politics from this election. It's now about where we all stand on protecting our system of government.

I'm #NeverTrump because I believe in our system, our elections, and our democratic culture, including the peaceful transfer of power. If you think this is still about SCOTUS or abortion or anything but your right to vote without threats or foreign influence, you're wrong. Take your arguments about right vs left somewhere else. In my view, this is now an election solely about preserving our democracy.

The preceding tweets do not represent the Navy, the USG, Harvard, Chicopee MA, anywhere in Rhode Island or my cat. Well, maybe my cat.

“Trump has removed politics from this election”。仍然以党派之争来理解这次大选的,要么是脑子糊涂,要么是别有用心。



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