She was right to defend / forgive Bill in public, keeping her family intact


送交者: asker 于 2016-09-30, 16:15:30:

回答: 川普想要攻击的重点是希拉里帮助比尔威胁迫害那些女人 由 湘女 于 2016-09-30, 14:46:55:

None of those women were innocent, everybody knows that. They were taking advantage of Bill as much as, or more than, Bill was taking advantage of them.

Particularly, when those women went public trying to ruin Bill,their or their manipulators' intentions were clear enough for her to make the right decision on how to react in public.

She just wanted to prove that she did not fall into those women's or their manipulators' calculations of becoming a mad whining little woman. She knows how to get even and not get mad.

Above all, those long-gone events on private life were well known to every American. Bringing them up on a presidential debate would hardly cause new damage to HC and might back fire for TD who himself had such an unspeakable record of personal life.

Therefore, DT might still played that card but the net effect would be zero at best and negative at worst.



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