Be careful of "condescending"


送交者: kma 于 2016-09-27, 16:41:21:

回答: 不再是GOP的辩论会可以采用满地打滚玩超限战,T在这场辩论中根本就是出丑。 由 asker 于 2016-09-27, 15:31:23:

Liberals have to learn from past lessons.

Many common voters, not just rednecks, hate to admit they are less educated and ignorant. This happened in both 2000 and 2004, costing gore and especially Kerry dearly . Bush jr didn't mind much to be painted "dumb".

Common people have a natural mixed feeling about knowledge, especially science. On one hand they do realize they need it; but on the other hand they hate such reliance.



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