how can you be sure the 不测量时 他处于叠加态?


送交者: 008 于 2016-08-23, 23:46:26:

回答: 你这说法是错的 由 whoami 于 2016-08-23, 22:46:39:

They only reason you are so confident is because you have measured another part of the system that was entangled with this part, by doing which, you believe you have left this part of the system to be in a 叠加态. However, the system being in this specific state is exactly the result of your doing the measurement. So sometimes, we say we are "making" an entangled pair.

And you cannot do anything to this state without changing its state. In QM we don't distinguish fancy words such as 测量, or 传输, or "catch", or "copy", or "clone", there is only one word, that is interaction. You do something to this state, or you do nothing, there is no third way.



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