with bio-photonic memory, 哈!


送交者: cornbug 于 2016-08-27, 16:17:51:

回答: That explains how man with "very small" survived evolution 由 silxirt 于 2016-08-27, 12:58:16:

Genetic lineage is recorded in the epigenomes riding on DNA, where an epigenetic chemical code controls how our genes are expressed, turning them on or off with dramatic consequences to our health. The epigenomes respond to environment, lifestyle, stress levels; what we ingest and breathe to create an enduring imprint on future generations. Quantum Physics also postulates that generations of choices and our entire genetic lineage is recorded in DNA's bio-photonic memory so that conditions experienced by our progenitors can be genetically passed on to our posterity. Because genetic liabilities are a cause for shame, most guys do not know what their genetic liabilities are because that information was withheld.

The fusion of epigenomic memory with bio-photonic memory creates a genetic foundation for biocybergenics.



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