America appears to be the only country in the world


送交者: jhuang 于 2015-07-07, 00:34:33:

where people lie about their age

四年前有位英国人评论美国女教师Lindsay Massaro性侵犯的案子有如下评论:

I've noticed two things about America and schools. 1. The majority of teachers having sexual relations with students are female. I don't understand this - certainly in the UK the majority of teenage boys are snotty-nosed, arrogant and convinced they are God's gift (I know, I used to teach 'em). 2. America appears to be the only country in the world where people lie about their age because they want to STAY in school (I'm not talking illegal immigrants wanting to stay in the country here, but 'ordinary' citizens). Either US schools must be fantastic places, or Americans particularly peculiar. - Abby, Cardiff, 16/2/2011 7:56 Maybe query number one explains query number two!



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