my point is none of the 1234 you listed matters


送交者: 008 于 2013-11-23, 12:22:12:

回答: 精屁,我猜你夏天不乘凉,冬天不取暖。 由 silxirt 于 2013-11-23, 12:04:31:

good or bad is a subjective judgement. For me GW is a good thing.

To answer your listed questions
1. GW is a good thing for me, unfortunately I don't know if it is happenning
2. I don't know who caused GW, if at all. I think whoever cause it if it is true
3. I don't know human factor is negligible or not. I don't know if dinosaur factor is negligible to it extinction either. And I laugh at those religious people who believe they know
4. you probably should ask this question first. what a messed mind。



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