Why is it hard to understand?


送交者: qm 于 2013-09-20, 12:46:04:

回答: 民主的缺点 由 ASH 于 2013-09-20, 12:28:25:

Democracy has a lot of 缺点 but hardly any here.

但美军是否应该往叙利亚扔炸弹,60%多的美国人说No。 --- clearly most people do not want war, and/or Obama never made a good case why he should 叙利亚扔炸弹.

奥巴马成功地避免了军事行动,同时又缴了叙利亚化武的械。--- Stay tuned if either is true, particularly the latter. Ya right, Syria may give up a few trucks of that and Obama would declare victory.

你是否赞同奥巴马处理叙利亚问题的方式?36%的美国人说Yes,51%说No。 --- see above. There is no contradiction here, in addition to the questionable "red line" and "lead" behind Putin.

你是否赞同国会处理叙利亚问题的方式?31%的美国人说Yes, 45%说No。 --- Is there such a question even asked? What's 国会处理叙利亚问题的方式?It is not congress job to 处理叙利亚问题 and there has been no vote yet.



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