澳州大麻和印度大麻, Colorado有卖。加料的死了人。


送交者: cornbug 于 2013-09-14, 03:37:07:

Synthetic Marijuana Prompts Colorado Health Investigation
More than 150 people are now believed to have been sickened by synthetic marijuana in Colorado, which legalized recreational use of real pot last November. Three people may have died.
A CDC investigation of a similar, but much smaller, rash of illnesses in Wyoming last year found that synthetic marijuana smokers suffered kidney damage as a result, with some requiring dialysis. Colorado officials say they're not seeing those kinds of problems in this outbreak, at least not yet.

"In [the wyoming] investigation, they did find a novel compound that was being put into the synthetic marijuana," Ghosh says. "That makes this kind of investigation more challenging, because they are constantly changing the chemical compositions that are in synthetic marijuana."



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