c61兄, "晶体二阶光学非线性效应产生纠缠光子对",潘能玩好多年


送交者: bosebose 于 2015-03-16, 11:26:30:

回答: 潘建伟下个目标,3自由度的量子隐形传态,玩薛定谔猫 由 bosebose 于 2015-03-16, 11:12:10:

"The researchers shine a strong ultraviolet pulsed laser on three nonlinear crystals to generate three entangled pairs of photons – one pair is hyper-entangled and is used as the "quantum channel", a second entangled pair is used to carry out an intermediate "non-destructive" measurement, while the third pair is used to prepare the two-property state of a single photon that will eventually be teleported. "

老兄写过“也说量子霍尔效应 (POLIK老弟和元江老兄笑之)”,a good piece.



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