

送交者: 短江学者 于 2015-03-10, 11:19:39:

回答: whoami, 我的理解是A不能"随意地控制"B,而是AB可以相互"感知" 由 conner 于 2015-03-10, 11:11:46:

People say, loosely, crudely, wrongly, that when you measure one of the photons it does something to the other one;it doesn't ! All that happens is, you measure a property of one and you learn the corresponding property of the other one. Now, what these people who try to confuse us will say is, yes, but you choose which property and thereby you choose what state the other one will be in. Well, the point is that the different measurement, say, of linear polarization of one revealing the linear polarization of the other, or circular polarization of one revealing the circular polarization of the other; those measurements are made on different branches of history, decoherent with each other, only one of which occurs. So it's simply not true!



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