this is the word from Edward Snowden


送交者: steven 于 2013-06-25, 00:46:22:

回答: 抹黑的第一步是先把对象做一个神台。。。 由 pgss 于 2013-06-25, 00:34:57:

I don't want to live in a society that does these sort of things [surveillance on its citizens]... I do not want to live in a world where everything I do and say is recorded.
Yet, he is heading to Russia, Cuba, or Ecuador, I don't have to say anything about these countries human right and freedom of speech and etc, you make your own "judgement." As for his resume, how many decent people you meet making false claims like those? Not "god," just decent people in your standard. I don't have to 抹黑他. I don't buy his story. Certainly he provided some documents about those surveillance programs. The way media portrait the Big Brother monitoring most Americans phone conversations and email at real time just plainly impossible. I don't think I want to spend more time on him.



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