

送交者: 学州神人 于 2015-01-25, 18:18:22:



征文通知引用到Intel的女主管的在2012年的发言, 但在那个讲话中, 那个女主管明确说了. 透明计算不是新的, MIT在九十年代末就作了.

1) 首先有一个或几个学者向主编提出要办某个专题的专刊的提案(proposal), <<IEEE计算机会刊>> 透明计算专刊是由他张本人和中南大学的客坐教授 Jianer Chen 陈建二(XYS名人)联和提出的.
2) 主编和编委们认为这个提案可行, 就同意提案人(即陈建二和张尧学)发征文通知.同时, 就称张和陈为客坐编辑(guest editors)
3) <<IEEE计算机会刊>一年有十二期, 其中大约三或四期是有关的专刊.

Call for Papers: IEEE Transactions on Computers Special Issue on Transparent Computing

October 1, 2014
November 30, 2014    

Submitted by Jimmy Cuo

Call for Papers: Special Issue in IEEE Transactions on Computers on “Transparent Computing”

At 2012 Intel Developer Forum, San Francisco, Renee James, senior Vice
President and General Manager of Intels Software Services Group, delivered a
keynote speech “Next Era of Computing: Transparent Computing”, in which she
pointed out that “(transparent computing) represents for us the direction
that we believe we need to go as an industry. And it’s the next step really
beyond ubiquitous computing.”

The basic idea behind transparent computing is simple: give developers just
one basic platform on which to develop their applications, and make it
possible for these applications to run on any other platform. A formal model
of transparent computing has been proposed, which is a cloud-style paradigm.
As described by James, transparent computing “is really about allowing
experiences to seamlessly cross across different platforms, both
architectures and operating system platform boundaries”. The key idea of
transparent computing is to logically separate hardware and software
(including operating systems) and to separate computation and memory.
Specifically, all the required software and data are centralized on central
servers, and streamed to the clients on demand to carry out the computing
tasks leveraging the local CPU and memory resources. Compared with other
cloud computing models, transparent computing has the following desired
features: (1) user and application transparency; (2) heterogeneous OS
support; (3) streaming delivery; (4) supports of various devices; and (5)
enhanced security.

Transparent computing has proposed new challenges in the research of
computer software and systems:

From user’s perspectives:
_ user transparency (in paradigms, systems, applications, and services);
_ user machine’s efficiency and security;
_ privacy protection and system reliability; and
_ local resource scheduling and management.

From system’s perspectives:
_ standardized software-hardware interface;
_ device and user virtualization;
_ data consistence and security;
_ multiple-user system performance; and
_ operating system modularization.

This journal Special Issue in the IEEE Transaction on Computers will provide
the scientific community a dedicated forum for discussing new research and
development in transparent computing. The Special Issue invites original
research papers that make significant contributions to the state-of-the-art
that advance the fundamental understanding, technologies, concepts, and
applications in transparent computing.

Open for Submissions in ScholarOne Manuscripts: October 31, 2014
Closed for Submission: November 30, 2014
Results of First Round of Review: January 25, 2015
Submission of Revised Manuscripts: February 20, 2015
Results of Second Round of Review: March 15, 2015
Publication Materials Due: March 31, 2015

Prospective authors are invited to submit their manuscripts electronically
after the open for submissions date, adhering to the IEEE Transactions on
Computers guidelines at


Please submit your papers through the online system
(https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/tc-cs) and be sure to select the special
issue or special section name. Manuscripts should not be published or
currently submitted for publication elsewhere. Please submit only full
papers intended for review, not abstracts, to the ScholarOne portal. If
requested, abstracts should be sent by e-mail to the Guest Editors directly.

Jianer Chen, Texas A&M University, USA, chen@cse.tamu.edu
Yaoxue Zhang, Central South University, P.R. China, zyx@csu.edu.cn



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