A spare pinger on the boat might have sent the signal.


送交者: HLA 于 2014-04-07, 09:47:34:

回答: 造不如买: 媒质疑中国搜寻技术 交通部官员:中国设备没那么差 由 095 于 2014-04-06, 23:04:55:

In video of the Haixun 01, it appears the Chinese had a spare pinger in the boat.

Anish Patel, president of pinger manufacturer Dukane Seacom, says it is not recommended to have a pinger near the area where you are trying to listen.

If that pinger gets wet, it will start transmitting, potentially confusing search teams.

"I wouldn't put one where I'm measuring," Patel said. "It's just not good common practice."



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