there's sth called geopolitics


送交者: kma 于 2014-03-22, 12:30:14:

回答: 假如苏联转型了,那也是西方的胜利,因为冷战的敌人是共产主义,不是一个国家 由 meiyou 于 2014-03-22, 12:19:15:

unless the whole world oneday really become a single community, national exceptionismand ego will always be there

britain never wants just be a simple europe nation

same case for japan in asia

russia will never be just an europe nation

india, brazil, south africa, indoesia, .. all those big emerging nations, no matter what ideology, they will never be like britain or canada to america

the US once debatedo who lost china, the factis even if it's KMT winning, china will never be a true ally of the US



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