

送交者: jxh 于 2014-03-20, 10:47:48:

回答: 现在加州的华人社区领袖是谁?貌似很喜欢揽功啊。 由 bluesea 于 2014-03-18, 21:37:50:



临时为反SCA5而成立的加“硅谷华人协会” https://www.facebook.com/groups/SiliconValleyChineseAssociation/ 在反SCA5上贡献卓著,特此表扬。

附,硅谷华人协会 Alex Chen写的
“Elected officials and candidates' stand on SCA-5 as of March 17th, 2014:”

State Assembly:
1)Republican Assembly members: based on the promise of Assembly minority leader, all of the GOP caucus members plans to vote No on SCA-5. A few of GOP assembly members made public statement against SCA-5.
2) Ed Chau (D-AD49): The first assembly member to officially announcing against SCA-5 in current form, and ask for amendment before consideration;
3) Sharon Quik-Silva (D-AD65): officially declare against SCA-5 at this time, privately sending email to community members to clarify she is against SCA-5 in current form
4) Joan Buchanan(D-AD16): announced privately in a meeting to group of over twenty community members she will be abstain from SCA-5. Her own words: "I have always been a believer of making informed decisions based on data. Based on my research, I will not vote for SCA-5"
5) Phil Ting(D-AD19): announced on Chinese newspaper support SCA-5(at least its spirit), but ask for amendment
6) Paul Fong(D-AD28): privately sending email to community members to state he is against SCA-5 in current form, but never made any official announcement and refused to meet community even when the community presented him thousands of signatures (including over one thousand signatures of registered voters from San Jose City Council District 1 which he will seek the seat for in Nov election). And further his apprentice and heir-apparent Evan Low made a public TV appearance to support SCA-5 (see below)

State Senate:
1)Ted Lieu(D-SD28), Carol Liu(D-SD25) and Leeland Yee(D-SD8) . The three Asian American State Senators voted YES on 1/30/2014 on SCA-5. In past few weeks, they publicly changed their stand after hearing the community input and ask for Senator Hernandez to withdraw the bill even though they don't have the voting power anymore. Particularly Senate Ted Lieu publicly announced his motivation to vote YES for SCA-5 and also announced he changed his mind after the community input and will vote No if the bill comes back to Senate.

Federal Congress:
1) Judy Chu(D-Congressional District 32, California): publicly announced her opposition to SCA-5, together with Ed Chau. Federal Congress has no oversight of SCA-5 since it is a state legislature
2) Mike Honda(D- Congressional District 17, California): publicly announced his opposition to SCA-5 on 3/17/2014 and ask for expanding public education to provide more opportunities. Federal Congress has no oversight of SCA-5 since it is a state legislature



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