有人说是指的Nicola Bellomo,昨天没记得他的名字


送交者: ASH 于 2014-02-25, 11:03:50:

回答: 你这种评论,竟然都被方舟子搬到微薄!"有人说",:-) 由 UFO 于 2014-02-25, 07:13:40:

另外Hindawi 和 MDPI 的比较似乎是JB的软肋,一被人问起这个问题就暴跳如雷:

ash kanash says:    
February 22, 2014 at 2:47 PM    

Jeff, what are the differences between Hindawi and MDPI that prompted you to remove the former and add the latter to the list?

Jeffrey Beall says:    
February 22, 2014 at 3:21 PM    

Cool, a trick question from Inspector Clouseau! What is your real name? Why are you afraid to reveal it? How many papers have you published in Shukun Lin’s website? Zero? Excellent — that’s exactly what I recommend.



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