this is a very good question, this poem is a perfect example for this topic


送交者: 和平岛 于 2012-05-03, 14:21:23:

回答: What more interesting is: what is more important in poetry 由 steven 于 2012-05-03, 14:06:00:

a content without a correct form is not a poem.
The material is provided by LB. I was shocked by what he saw. I decided to work on this piece of content. The process I took is based on my understanding of poetry:
form, using rhythm and imagery.

First step: figure out the things, nouns, persons that the poem needs to present, analyze the relationships among themselves;
second step: distort them, transform them into imagery of a poem. This will involve lots of imagination, from solid things to things in your imagination, things not real, but at the same time, is more than real;
finally, put them together, in a contrasted and concentrated way.

The end of this process is a creation of a poem, like it or not



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