

送交者: Icemann 于 2013-05-02, 23:47:38:



里头大部分帖子是个叫王怀恩的美利坚公民写的。基本意思是方舟子少掺乎。 大家看个乐子吧。下面是这王姓米国公民挺有意思的帖子。

Last edited by the author on Apr 9, 2013 10:30:54 PM PDT
Romantic Realist says:
Dear Wang Lang,

Fang is very valuable in China. There are more than 1.3 billion Chinese in China who needs Fang's attention. He only has 24 hours a day. Fang should continue to fight for justice in China, and give his 24 hours a day to political, social, religious, environmental, cultural and other issues in Mainland China.

Through his zealous advocacy, Fang will be able to promote more transparency in Chinese government, ensure that minority groups in China receive equal opportunity and due process, ameliorate environmental pollution in China, etc.

Given his U.S. education and life experience in America, Fang can also help Chinese people to better understand why, notwithstanding all the political, social and other problems America have, our Nation only had one Civil War in the past two centuries-a record that China and most Asian countries could not emulate.

However, Fang voted with his feet. As a green card holder and the father of an American daughter, he chose to leave the United States of America, and went back to China.

It was Fang's decision to go back to China, in order to try to make China a better place for more than 1.3 billion inhabitants.

United States is no longer Fang's jurisdiction. California, the state closes to Fang's residence, is one Pacific Ocean apart.

Fang's involvement in Asian American civil rights issues here in the United States, when he is on the other side of the Pacific Ocean, is simply counterproductive.

It is understandable that the majority of Asian Americans do not approve of Fang's approach in this Bend, Not Break controversy.

Because of Fang's unsolicited involvement, The Organization of Chinese Americans and other Asian American organizations involved in CBS firing of The Dog House have not stepped forward, to take a position against Sir Harold Evan's use of racist, stigmatizing and xenophobic remarks.

Even though Fang has the best intention, his involvement in this Bend, Not Break controversy stymied Asian Americans' efforts in trying to defend our civil rights. Because of Fang, we are being unfairly accused by Sir Harold Evans' supporters as Red Dawn paratroopers from Communist China, when in fact most of us are American citizens or permanent residents who have lived in the United States and paid U.S. income taxes for 20 to 30 years. In my case, I am not Chinese. I am Taiwanese American, but got lumped by Sir Harold Evans with everyone else.

When Fred Korematsu got sent to internment camp, many non-Japanese Asian Americans suffered the same fate. As a Taiwanese American, I am supporting the Amazon Truth Seekers in defending our First Amendment civil rights.

I am not here to support Fang's involvement in Bend, Not Break controversy. Quite to the contrary, I applaud him for staying out of BNB controversy for the past 2 months.

Of course, Fang and his supporters should continue to exercise their freedom of speech in China, by making comments in Chinese websites in China. However, their activities would not be protected by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution. Most of the time, United States government does not apply its laws and regulations extraterritorially. When the United States tries to impose its laws, regulations, values, principles andway of life in other countries, they become resentful of Americans.

We should give Fang our moral support from the United States. However, Americans would not be welcome in China if the United States sends political advisors or social workers to China, without the invitation of the Chinese government. Likewise, China should not send support to the United States without President Barak Obama's invitation.

Fang is welcome to physically move back to the United States with his family. However, as long as Fang makes his personal decision to live and work in China, it is advisable that he stays out of American politics and civil right issues affecting Asian Americans.

Hope this will be the last time you mention Fang in this Amazon forum. This is an American forum. For those who are interested in China-related topics, please migrate back to a Chinese website.

The United States Constitution does give us a lot of freedom, including the right to interstate travel and international travel.

If you are not happy with the American way of life, please find another place where you will be happy. At the same time, please respect other American people's right to talk about civil right issues here in this American forum. Without Fang's presence, we are quite happy here.
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