Well said by FrankPettit


送交者: brightsea 于 2013-03-28, 16:58:12:

回答: 最近听说苏大已经澄清说傅苹没有从该校毕业也没得到学位 由 蓝色的海 于 2013-03-28, 16:04:05:

FrankPettit 5ptsFeb 24, 2013

Look, all you critics of Ping Fu need to stop complaining, because the publisher and the US media are not going to respond.

This is how we do things in America: we sue. Stop complaining, stop whining, and sue.

Here's what you need to do: sue the publisher with a CLASS ACTION SUIT. Charge the publisher with fraud. If the publisher misrepresented the book as non-fiction, it's fraud.

All you need are 2+ people who actually bought the book, preferably before the scandal broke, who can truthfully say that they were deceived into thinking the book was non-fiction, but actually it's not. They need paperwork or a receipt to prove they bought the book. Then you get a lawyer and sue the publisher for fraud.

It's been done before. Look up the book "A Million Little Pieces." Supposedly a memoir, actually fiction. So readers brought a class-action suit. The publisher had to back down and retract. That was a big story.

If you really want the US media to take your charges seriously, you must sue. If you merely complain on the internet, you will be ignored. A class action suit for 50 million dollars cannot be ignored by the media.

There are apparently hundreds of you. Stop complaining and sue.



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