你是说“radiation safety precautions” 是指辐射剂量,不是别的东西。


送交者: yogacat 于 2013-03-13, 20:05:59:

回答: 那个earlier years应该对应是1954前。以后剂量规则是 由 whatistruth 于 2013-03-13, 19:09:58:


我这么问是因为那篇纽约时报的文章的最后,在提到"Playing It Safe" 的时候,说我们作为去看病的人,如果真的担心的话,可以在看牙照X ray 或者mammogram 的时候,主动要求要个铅领子,铅围裙保护自己,或者要求digital X-ray,甚至MRI,ultra-sound 等等代替。我不懂啊,我想那个操纵仪器的人,因为仪器辐射剂量小并且安全,就不需要做其他的防护吗?

But what of lower doses? Studies of the relationship between frequent dental X-rays and thyroid cancer have been conflicting, and in some the methodology has been suspect. (Some reports, including a frightening one from Kuwait, relied on people’s ability to remember the X-rays they received.)

But the best study of diagnostic X-ray exams, conducted in Sweden, where precise medical records are kept, found no connection to thyroid cancer.

但是我想,此处说得是正常看病过程中,患者因为检查身体接触到X-ray,这类接触不会增加甲状腺癌的危险。是反驳美国有些医生忽悠的,说每年做五次Xray 的检查,可以增加患甲状腺癌的机会四倍。
“I was not surprised by a stream of panicked e-mails I received after a television show in which the popular Dr. Mehmet Oz called thyroid cancer “the fastest-growing cancer in women” and cited the harmful effects of radiation from sources like dental X-rays and mammograms.

Dr. Oz warned that people who have more than five X-rays a year have a fourfold greater risk of developing this cancer, and recommended the use of a lead thyroid shield when getting dental X-rays or mammograms. One of his guests on the program, Dr. Carolyn Runowicz, a gynecological cancer specialist, said she would not get dental X-rays if the only reason was to check her teeth. ”

现在,检查方式突进,查出的甲状腺癌剧增,不过也不是十个里面能查出三个来,而是一年中十万个里面能查出17 个来。我觉得即使是17个,也要算sporadic吧?



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