This is bad policy for sure


送交者: FatFinger 于 2013-03-03, 14:35:28:

回答: 购房者担心20%转让所得税推涨房价 由 bluesea 于 2013-03-03, 11:36:02:

As to the effect, I thin it was designed to increase the government's control on price.

It increases the cost to trade a house, not the cost to own a house. Through controlling land, goverment controls price of new house, which would dominates the price of the old house. Market for the old house will be inactive. "藏富于民, 把房子当黄金捂"。

土共太了解他的屁民了。 Bought a house or not, spread your legs now, and let 党妈kick your nuts repeatedly and violently. Enjoy!



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