Your opinion is quite of Chinese snobs.


送交者: alabama 于 2012-03-28, 11:41:43:

回答: 以中国为代表的东亚是世界几个主要文明中唯一的政教分离或教不压政 由 chouqilozi 于 2012-03-28, 10:16:08:

Industrial revolution, modern science and technology, and magnificant arts all came from Christian europe, all created by Christians. Now the Chinese, or the eastern Asians, feel proud of their secular culture! Joke!! Shameless!!!

While every math and computer advance is made by Christians, the Chinese mass morons think they are good at math and computer. That kind of stupidity just kill me.

Your anti-religion mentality is the result of Maxism-Lenism brainwash.

Nothing is 农业社会必然的!



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