the interviewer is too polite to follow up on that argument.


送交者: chouqilozi 于 2013-02-20, 14:53:43:

回答: 傅萍写书时对第一任丈夫只字不提是因为出书后读者的激烈批评。 由 chouqilozi 于 2013-02-20, 14:46:55:

In an interview with the International Herald Tribune, she said, apparently for the first time, the reason she kept quiet was she was trying to protect her first husband, an American, whom she does not mention in her memoir. The marriage took place while she was living in California, she said.

“I had a first marriage and that’s how I got my green card,” she said by telephone. She married on Sept. 1, 1986 and divorced three years later. Until now she had kept silent because of a “smear” campaign against her online, mostly by fellow Chinese who accuse her of lying,



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