Bo's family


送交者: alabama 于 2012-03-26, 12:30:51:

回答: 薄公子因学习太差被牛津勒令退学,大使馆+国产泠泠七去也不管用啊(内详) 由 springfall999 于 2012-03-26, 12:14:13:

While looking at Bo's family photo, his wife, his son and himseft, I feel so sorry for them. This seems to be a very happy family that deserves what every happy family deserves. Now the family is shattered. I keep asking why?

I did the same thing when looking at Mao's family, Stalin's family, Mosolini's family and even Hitler's "family".

Then I realized most suffering families don't even have a chance to show me their family photos.



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