短江学者, stop talking nonsense and garbage.


送交者: alabama 于 2012-03-26, 11:29:58:

回答: 杂交产生聪明所以清朝明君迭出。汉人不肯远嫁所以笨下来了。 由 短江学者 于 2012-03-26, 10:26:33:

Those nonsense may be brand new to you. You may feel proud of your self-perceived enlightment.

But as a matter of fact, these ideas such as "杂交产生聪明" and "cultural superiority theory" have been in academic trash can for decades.

Falun Gong is a religion by any standard, though you may not like it. You obviously lack in depth thinking of what is culture and what is religion. In a broad sense they are SAME.

You are no exception. You simply don't know that you are misinformed and miseducated.



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