My manifesto


送交者: cornbug 于 2013-01-18, 10:31:36:

回答: Why ask? Did you bang a girl without rubber cover last night? 由 ASH 于 2013-01-18, 07:42:26:

I am a decent gentleman more than whom anyone you can find in this dirty world. I have not engaged in any sexual misconduct with anyone, man or woman, at any time, day or night, in any place, in bed or in the field, on land, in the air or over the water. My pure body has been nourished with highest moral measures that anyone can image, beyond a text book's standard.

Having said that, I have been intrigued by the malady of love, the culmination of a physiological status and its consequent recovery phase. I have not been experimenting these on my own body in any circumstances.

cornbug, on this date of Eighteenth of February, Two Thousands Eighteen.

Ha, Ha, Ha!



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