

送交者: skywalkerman 于 2013-01-13, 06:20:31:





一、    德国刑法第90条b


Section 90b Anti-Constitutional Disparagement of Constitutional Organs (条目90b 针对宪法机构反对宪法的诋毁行为)

(1) Whoever publicly, in a meeting or through the dissemination of writings (Section 11 subsection (3)) disparages a constitutional organ, the government or the constitutional court of the Federation or of a Land or one of their members in this capacity in a manner endangering respect for the state and thereby intentionally gives support to efforts against the continued existence of the Federal Republic of Germany or against its constitutional principles, shall be punished with imprisonment from three months to five years. (在集会中或通过作品(条目11下,子条目(3)所确定范围)传播,任何人公开诋毁宪法机构、政府、联邦或州宪法法院及其成员,所采取的方式危及对国家的尊敬,并由此蓄意支持反对德意志联邦共和国之持续存在或反对其宪法原则的图谋,应被处以3个月到5年的监禁。)

(2) The act shall be prosecuted only with the authorization of the constitutional organ or member affected. (该项行为唯有得到宪法机构或所涉及成员授权后方可予以检控。)

Title Four Common Provisions (篇目4 共同条款)
Section 92 Definition of Terms (条目92术语定义)

(1) Within the meaning of this law, a person undermines the continued existence of the Federal Republic of Germany if he causes the abolition of its freedom from foreign domination, the destruction of its national unity, or the separation of one of its constituent territories. (本法含义中,如果一个人导致德意志联邦共和国丧失免受外国统治的自由,破坏国家统一,或引发领土分离,则该人破坏了德意志联邦共和国之持续存在。)

(2) Constitutional principles, within the meaning of this law, shall be: (本法含义中,宪法原则意指)

1. the right of the people to exercise state power in elections and ballots and through particular organs of legislative, executive and judicial power and to elect parliament in general, direct, free, equal and secret elections; (人民在选举中、投票中以及通过特定立法、行政和司法权力机构,行使国家权力的权利;在普遍、直接、自由、平等和秘密选举中行使议会选举的权利。)

2. the subjection of legislation to the constitutional order and the subjection of the executive and judicial power to law and justice; (立法机构服从于宪法决议,行政和司法权力服从于法律和正义)

3. the right to form and exercise a parliamentary opposition; (组织和行使议会反对意见的权利)

4. the replaceability of the government and its responsibility to parliament; (政府之可更替性及其对议会的责任)

5. the independence of the courts; and (法院之独立性;以及)

6. the exclusion of any rule by force and decree. (消除任何凭借武力和命令的统治)

(3) Within the meaning of this law: (本法含义中)

1. efforts against the continued existence of the Federal Republic of Germany shall be such efforts, the supporters of which work toward undermining the continued existence of the Federal Republic of Germany (subsection (1)); (反对德意志联邦共和国持续存在之图谋意为,其支持者旨在逐步损害德意志联邦共和国之持续存在(见子条目(1))

2. efforts against the security of the Federal Republic of Germany shall be such efforts, the supporters of which work toward undermining the external or internal security of the Federal Republic of Germany; (反对德意志联邦共和国安全之图谋意为,其支持者旨在逐步损害德意志联邦共和国之外部或内部安全)

3. efforts against constitutional principles shall be such efforts, the supporters of which work toward destroying, invalidating or undermining a constitutional principle (subsection (2)). (反对宪法原则之图谋意为,其支持者旨在破坏、无效化或削弱宪法原则(见子条目(2))

通过以上分析,显然德国刑法90b并非高教授所言。特别值得注意的是,此法条明确规定该条并非一有触犯即自动提起公诉,而是必须事先得到授权方可;另外肆意剥夺公民权利同样触犯该条,该法条居于“篇目3危害民主法治”之下(Title Three Endangering The Democratic Rule of Law)。这可不像我们这儿的宪法,从居委会到警察都可以鹦鹉学舌般恐吓公民:你这样做可违反宪法了。



Art. 342.
Oltraggio a un corpo politico, amministrativo o giudiziario.
Chiunque offende l'onore o il prestigio di un corpo politico, amministrativo o giudiziario, o di una rappresentanza di esso, o di una pubblica autorità costituita in collegio, al cospetto del corpo, della rappresentanza o del collegio, è punito con la con la multa da euro 1.000 a euro 5.000. (1)
La stessa pena si applica a chi commette il fatto mediante comunicazione telegrafica, o con scritto o disegno diretti al corpo, alla rappresentanza o al collegio, a causa delle sue funzioni.
La pena è della multa da euro 2.000 a euro 6.000 (2) se l'offesa consiste nell'attribuzione di un fatto determinato.
Si applica la disposizione dell'ultimo capoverso dell'articolo precedente.
(1) Le parole: “con la reclusione fino a tre anni” sono state così sostituite dall’art. 11, comma 3, lett. a), della L. 24 febbraio 2006, n. 85
(2) Le parole: “ è della reclusione da uno a quattro anni” sono state sostituite dall’11, comma 3, lett. b) della L. 24 febbraio 2006, n. 85


三、    国际条约

a.    公民权利和政治权利国际公约(International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights)








b.    美洲人权公约(American Convention on Human Rights, "Pact of San Jose", Costa Rica)


Article 13. Freedom of Thought and Expression (第13条 思想及表达自由)

1. Everyone has the right to freedom of thought and expression. This right includes freedom to seek, receive, and impart information and ideas of all kinds, regardless of frontiers, either orally, in writing, in print, in the form of art, or through any other medium of one's choice. (人人拥有思想自由和表达自由的权利。这种权利包括自由寻觅、接受和传授各种信息和想法,不分国界,或者以口头、书面、印刷、艺术形式,或者通过个人所选择的任何其它媒介——译注:此条与《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》第十九条第2款一致,此处仅多了“思想自由”。)

2. The exercise of the right provided for in the foregoing paragraph shall not be subject to prior censorship but shall be subject to subsequent imposition of liability, which shall be expressly established by law to the extent necessary to ensure: (前款所规定权利之运用不得取决于事先审查,但应承担随后的责任要求,这种责任要求应当明确地通过法律确立,达到必要的保障程度:)

a. respect for the rights or reputations of others; or (尊重他人的权利和声誉;或)
b. the protection of national security, public order, or public health or morals. (保障国家安全、公共秩序、公共卫生或社会公德)

3. The right of expression may not be restricted by indirect methods or means, such as the abuse of government or private controls over newsprint, radio broadcasting frequencies, or equipment used in the dissemination of information, or by any other means tending to impede the communication and circulation of ideas and opinions. (表达自由不得通过间接方法方式限制,比如针对新闻纸、无线电广播频率或用于信息传播的设备滥用政府或私人管制,或者通过任何其它方式阻止想法和意见的交流和传播。)

4. Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 2 above, public entertainments may be subject by law to prior censorship for the sole purpose of regulating access to them for the moral protection of childhood and adolescence. (上述第二款之例外,公共娱乐业可以受限于法律确立的事先审查,其唯一目的在于为了少年儿童之道德保障而对接触此种娱乐节目内容予以管控。)

5. Any propaganda for war and any advocacy of national, racial, or religious hatred that constitute incitements to lawless violence or to any other similar action against any person or group of persons on any grounds including those of race, color, religion, language, or national origin shall be considered as offenses punishable by law. (任何战争宣传和鼓吹民族、种族或宗教仇恨,其中含有基于种族、肤色、宗教、语言或民族等理由,针对任何个人或团体,煽动不法暴力或任何其它类似行为的,应该考虑将其列为可以通过法律加以惩处的犯罪行为。)

c.    欧洲理事会反对恐怖主义公约(Council of Europe Convention on the Prevention of Terrorism)
Article 5 – Public provocation to commit a terrorist offence

1 For the purposes of this Convention, "public provocation to commit a terrorist offence" means the distribution, or otherwise making available, of a message to the public, with the intent to incite the commission of a terrorist offence, where such conduct, whether or not directly advocating terrorist offences, causes a danger that one or more such offences may be committed. (针对本公约之用途,“旨在公开激发恐怖性犯罪”意指分发或以其它方式提供给公众某种信息,蓄意激发恐怖性犯罪,这种行为有可能导致一起或更多此类犯罪的危险,无论该行为是否直接鼓动恐怖性犯罪。)

2 Each Party shall adopt such measures as may be necessary to establish public provocation to commit a terrorist offence, as defined in paragraph 1, when committed unlawfully and intentionally, as a criminal offence under its domestic law. (各方应该采取这样的措施,有必要将非法且蓄意实施前款所定义之旨在公开激发恐怖性犯罪确定为其国内法中的刑事罪行。)

四、    结束语


事实上,高教授顶多也就算得上接触法律2年,他更熟悉的法律乃Political Law,此乃政法之意也!而Politics and Law并非本地1949年之后的政法英译。




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