If you are ignorance to the American politics, you are not obligated to tell


送交者: steven 于 2012-12-16, 23:43:38:

回答: 再次感谢CVI提供的资料,虽然文章中没列举引用和具体贡献:P 由 bluesea 于 2012-12-16, 23:01:45:

everyone. Deregulation was put up by 3 republican congressmen when the republicans controll both the house and the senate. There wasn't that much Clinton could have done. He was in limb duck session and almost go impeached, he had no political capital to vital the bill. Here is the find out by the
In its "Declaration of the Summit on Financial Markets and the World Economy," dated 15 November 2008, leaders of the Group of 20 cited the following causes:

During a period of strong global growth, growing capital flows, and prolonged stability earlier this decade, market participants sought higher yields without an adequate appreciation of the risks and failed to exercise proper due diligence. At the same time, weak underwriting standards, unsound risk management practices, increasingly complex and opaque financial products, and consequent excessive leverage combined to create vulnerabilities in the system. Policy-makers, regulators and supervisors, in some advanced countries, did not adequately appreciate and address the risks building up in financial markets, keep pace with financial innovation, or take into account the In its "Declaration of the Summit on Financial Markets and the World Economy," dated 15 November 2008, leaders of the Group of 20 cited the following causes:

During a period of strong global growth, growing capital flows, and prolonged stability earlier this decade, market participants sought higher yields without an adequate appreciation of the risks and failed to exercise proper due diligence. At the same time, weak underwriting standards, unsound risk management practices, increasingly complex and opaque financial products, and consequent excessive leverage combined to create vulnerabilities in the system. Policy-makers, regulators and supervisors, in some advanced countries, did not adequately appreciate and address the risks building up in financial markets, keep pace with financial innovation, or take into account the systemic ramifications of domestic regulatory actions.[47]systemic ramifications of domestic regulatory actions.[47]

see wiki for the detail list.



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