关于Gun Control, 在Maddow的博客上看到这么个comments


送交者: jxh 于 2012-12-14, 19:38:07:


Simon Si 说道:

Basically, the second amendment never guaranteed the individual citizen the right to bear arms outside of his or her membership in a STATE MILITIA. And if you ever wonder what exactly a state militia is, well it is simply the NATIONAL GUARD (Militia Act of 1903). The only reason the framers even allowed for THE PEOPLE (Not an individual), but THE PEOPLE of A STATE to have the rights to bear arms o
nly as a State MILITIA, not individually armed citizens, was to placate the fear from many who feared that the federal government could just bully the states if the states did not have their own MILITIAS in case of TYRANNY from the federal government. But the irony in this is in the fact that the Militia Act of 1792 had provided for the President of the United States to take command of the state militias in times of imminent invasion or insurrection. This authority was used to suppress the Whiskey Rebellion in 1794.

So this nonsense about the second amendment giving an individual the right to bear arms was actually fabricated much later by the courts with the exception of the court case UNITED STATES V. Cruishank, in order to excuse the Ku Klux Klan’s ownership of fire arms and its members’ terror and murder spree against freed black citizens. All of the other Supreme Court cases involving the second amendment ( Miller V. Texas, 1894; Presser V. Illinois, 1886; etc) interpreted the second amendment to apply only to STATE MILITIAS, not private INDIVIDUAL citizens.
Naturally, the WILLFUL false interpretation of the second amendment is somehow linked to WHITE SUPREMACY.



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