Your claim is agianst stats. Beauty and intelligence are positively correlated.


送交者: suprathinker 于 2012-11-16, 01:19:52:

回答: 张得漂亮的一般读书都不好,至于湘女啊家这样的,我只能说这是一个奇迹。 由 bluesea 于 2012-11-16, 00:57:49:

Inter racially : The Caucasians are typically more physically attractive AND more mentally superior, as compared to Asians, Hispanics and Africans.

Intra racially: The Han Chinese in Zhejiang, Jiangsu and other prosperous regions are more physically attractive AND mentally superior, as compared with the Han Chinese in other regions.

Statistic data show that the people who hold higher degrees are also more physically attractive, in any country!



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