是紫眩。iPhone 5 比4/4S明显多了,这张还不是最坏的,


送交者: 淼水 于 2012-10-18, 08:51:50:

回答: 是眩光么? 怎么那么大 由 blackbox 于 2012-10-18, 08:13:48:

最坏的整个照片都是紫眩。只要是强的点光源从取景外逆向,而且大光圈,iPhone 5 几乎张张有。以前用4/4S是至少没感觉到这问题。

再给一张紫眩。那里是很暗了。iPhone 5的低光能力和它的紫眩一样impressive。

The Heidelberg Tun is an extremely large wine vat contained within the cellars of Heidelberg Castle. There have been four such barrels in the history of Heidelberg; the present one has a capacity of approximately 220,000 litres (58,100 U.S. gallons) and was made in 1751. One hundred and thirty oak trees were reputedly used in its construction. It has only rarely been used as a wine barrel, and in fact presently enjoys more use as a tourist attraction, and also as a dance floor since one was constructed on top of the tun.



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