i really don't understand now


送交者: kma 于 2012-08-15, 15:20:32:

回答: 韩寒和蒋方舟比肖传国内心更不好受,肖至少可以说自己付出了 由 chouqilozi 于 2012-08-15, 14:48:08:

focusing on han is already a bit too much, now targeting jiang....

what's the benefits and gains, compared with all the risks?

what's next? liu xiang?

leaving sina weibo is just a 1st sign, who can say 163 or sohu would be much better? i am afraid sooner or later fang and his family will be forced out of china, a scenario nobody wants to see, and a big loss for all chinese.

china is just such an unpleasant place now, far from a normal society. fang should have known better than all of us, after living quite some time there, especially after xiao's crime and its aftermath.

i always say better focusing on popular science enlightenment than exposing negative stuff, at least should limit the latter to frauds in science and education.

this way, its' much better for fang, his family,and the whole china.



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