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送交者: Wood 于 2006-5-20, 06:32:10:

That guy should have read the Acknowledgments of the second article he found in Cell:

i.e. Cell.1992 Jul 24; 70(2):323-35


I thank Dr. H. Hanafusa for providing help both in finding evidence of conservative residues in SH3 domains in the 113 and 91/84 kd proteins and in finally defining the SH2 domains, as well as for critically reading this manuscript; Drs. Ft. A. Kohanski and E. Schenker for help in phosphoamino acid analysis and for many useful discussions: Drs. R. S. Krauss and L.-H. Wang for reading the manuscript and offering many critical suggestions; Drs. H.-C. Li and Siyun Fang for supplying both
purified phosphatase and comments on the phosphorylation experiments. Particularly, I express my deep gratitude to Drs. Ran Jia and Wei Li for many inspiring discussions and experimental designs; to Drs. Wei Li, J.-L. Guan, and L.-H. Wang for anti-p-Tyr antibodies and for advice on many key techniques. I am grateful to Drs. J. C. Unkeless and G. Acs for helpful advice and for use of some lab facilities; to Ms.L. Martinez and Ms. P. V. Cenizal for typing references for this paper.

Specially, I thank Drs. N. Reich and R. Schreiber for personal communications on their results before publication. I sincerely thank Dr. J. L. Manley for constant support and encouragement and Dr. P. G. Katsoyannis for much valuable support. Most of all, I am indebted to Dr. J. E. Darnell for his critical guidance, consistent support, and generosity. This research was supported by a fund from Mount Sinai School of Medicine.

The costs of publication of this article were defrayed in part by the payment of page charges. This article must therefore be hereby marked “advertisement” in accordance with 18 USC Section 1734
solely to indicate this fact.”

After read this, I hope he could appreciate that one author does not mean there is no collaboration.

And it is nothing terribly clever about copying this down:



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