they were not new immigrant, however, they are not those


送交者: steven 于 2006-5-19, 11:26:59:

回答: are they new immigrant or already got into main-stream? 由 aa 于 2006-5-19, 10:59:11:

you will call got into main-stream. The ex-husband, who I don't personally know, immigrated to the US earlier, and went back to China and married my friends' daughter. They had been married for 10 yrs. They both worked hard in resturants and eventually got the husband through school and got his master degree. He worked as an engineer in Raytheon, and they had a son. Stories I heard were the husband became an addicted gambler, and about 3 yrs ago, they divorced. I came to knew the family around that time. It was then my friends daughter started working in resturants again to support her family and taking classes in local community college to be nurse. It was so tragic that lifes of many shattered by rages and hatrates.

Currently the suspect is still at large, and he was last spoted in a local casino.



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