I did not look down on you at all


送交者: tool2004 于 2006-5-02, 10:51:31:

回答: 你这个人真好笑,一边劝人不要看不起别人,一边却来看不起我 由 方舟子 于 2006-5-02, 07:13:33:

What I said is that we should be more tolerant to others. Your comments on others are harsh, and sometimes unfair. It is very easy to criticize others. If we look closely at what you have said, written, commented, we will find many inappropriate things, like you did to many others.

A few points.

1. Many people do not desire to be faculty. I understand that. What I am saying is that becoming a faculty has certain prestige. Everyone knows that it is extremently difficulty to become a TENURE TRACK assisant professor in the US. It is like many people do not desire to go to HYP, but going to HYP were recognized as significant achievements.

2. To be fair, do you agree that even if you wanted to become a faculty and try your best, you will not necessarily get into a tenure track position, no matter what tier of school it is. If you did not become one, please do not say that it is not a problem for you if you tried. Sometimes, lucks play a big role in bio-research. Even if you are a great researcher, sometimes the project just does not work out and there will be no significant publication. Also, personality, people skill, organization skill all play a role.

3. Just ask yourself whether you are too hush and jump your gun sometimes? For Professor Jing Li, who defended his dead friend, what have you said about that? For Yang Jie, if he did use Tenure Track assistant professor on his CV for job application, no matter what the reporter said, he did not cheat at all. There are many other cases. But I understand no one is perfect. Somehow you did not get that and always use your own judgement for right and wrong. That does not seem to be fair for a public figure like yourself. What if you were wrong? Have you even said sorry, apologize for anything in your life?
Huen Profess is really a professor, even though I despise him, but he was a true professor, not someone who wash dishe.

4. What I am trying to say is that it is not easy for people in the US to achieve something, especically people with PH.D. /M.D. from China. We should be more position on commenting others, as long as they did not cheat. Have a kind heart. You will become a father some day, your kids will make mistakes. How do you handle them?

No offense, thanks. You can get a hint how harsh you are. No one dares to make different voice on your board. Only a few like us make some gentle comments, which irrate you. Is that alarming? Chairman Mao?

Difference is good.




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