NCI的消息比较客观.就是不知道NCI的phase2/3 trial 和FDA的新药试验是不是一回事.


送交者: PoohHunny2 于 2006-4-29, 16:25:23:

回答: 中药“ 华阳复方”治疗非小细胞肺癌进入人体内第三期临床实验 由 brightsea 于 2006-4-29, 13:20:06:
"Although treatment with Selected Vegetables/Sun’s Soup was associated with substantial benefits in this trial, the results cannot be considered conclusive. Several major weaknesses in the design and execution of the trial could have affected the outcome. One major weakness is the small numbers of patients enrolled in the survival arm (6 patients in the Selected Vegetables/Sun’s Soup treatment group and 13 in the control group). Larger numbers of patients are needed to obtain reliable results. Another weakness is that the patients in the survival arm were not randomly assigned to the treatment group and the control group. The treatment group consisted of individuals who agreed to be treated with Selected Vegetables/Sun’s Soup; those who refused treatment comprised the control group. It is possible there were important, unidentified differences between the patients who agreed to be treated with Selected Vegetables/Sun’s Soup and those who did not. Nonetheless, in view of the positive results of this trial, CAPCAM recommended that a randomized phase III trial of Selected Vegetables/Sun’s Soup be conducted in patients with non-small cell lung cancer.[3] "



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